ブックメーカーズ - 日本最大スポーツベット総合情報サイト



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Rokkasho Village, Aomori Prefecture Official Homepage languageEnglishChinese한국어 menu Home Introduction of Village And the village Energy Sightseeing Anti-Disaster Lifestyle Guide Administration Congress For business operators language: English Chinese 한국어 Life info Rokkasho Village Official Web Site Group NAV Home Introduction of Village For business operators BreadCrumb You are currently here: Home Life info Information on new coronavirus infection News from the village Life info Life info Anti-Disaster Administration Radio Information on new coronavirus infection News from the village Land, houses, etc. Access Sightseeing and local products guidance Family register, resident card Tax Health and welfare (Elderly, children and medical expenses) Health and Welfare [Others] Animals, etc. Waste Members of the Consumer Affairs Committee Election Web pages of sections Education board Download application forms Printing How to prevent COVID-19 infection How to prevent COVID-19 infection To the villagers (be careful in daily life)  First of all, hand washing is important. Wash your hands with soap or alcohol disinfectant frequently when you return home from the go, before and after cooking, or before meals.  If you have symptoms such as coughing, hold down the cough or sneezing with your hand, the virus will adhere to what you touched with your hand, and may transmit the disease to other people through a doorknob etc. Please do.  If you have a chronic illness or elderly person, please be more careful, such as avoiding crowded places as much as possible.  ※If you have symptoms of a cold such as fever, please take a break from school or office.  ※If you experience cold symptoms such as fever, measure and record your body temperature every day.                                                          Cough etiquette. pdf [862KB pdf file]      Hand washing. pdf [837KB pdf file]  To prevent outbreaks   This is a request to minimize the spread of infection in Japan in the future.  Avoid gathering in groups in poor ventilation and where people gather and spend densely.  ※In sports gyms, houseboats, buffet-style dinners, sparrows, ski guest houses, closed temporary tents, etc. have been reported that a single infected person infected. Consultation Desk Symptoms such as fever  "One who has a family doctor"   First of all, please contact your family doctor.   At family doctor   Medical treatment and examination possible → Consultation at the specified time   Medical treatment and examination is not possible → Information on other medical institutions  "If you don't have a family doctor."   Please call the new coronavirus infectious disease call center.   Phone number 0120-123-801 (24 hours)   About consultation method when there are symptoms such as fever (Aomori Prefectural Office HP)   www.pref.aomori.lg.jp/welfare/health/covid-19_influ_jyushin.html If you are anxious regardless of symptoms  Regardless of the symptoms, if you have come into contact with a new coronavirus infection patient, please consult the Kamijusan Public Health Center.  Consultation and consultation center 0176-22-3510 General consultation, etc.  Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Telephone Consultation Service (Call Center)  Phone number 0120-565653 (toll-free)  Opening hours 9:00 - 21:00 (on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)  ※People with hearing impairments and those who have difficulty consulting over the phone   FAX 03-3505-2756  What is COVID-19 infection? It is characterized by  fever, sore throat, and prolonged cough (around a week), and many people complain of strong laziness (malaise). Although infection is often mild or cured even if infected, it is considered that the risk of becoming more severe than seasonal influenza. Be careful as pneumonia becomes severe, and death cases have been confirmed.  In particular, elderly people and those with underlying diseases may be more likely to become severe.  The new coronavirus is transmitted by droplet infection and contact infection. It is thought that no airborne infection has occurred, but care must be taken when a large number of conversations in closed spaces and short distances.  ・Droplet infection: The virus is released together with the infected person's droplets (sneezing, coughing, brim, etc.), and other people inhale the virus through the mouth and nose to become infected.  ・Contact infection: After the infected person holds a sneezing or cough with his hand, and then touches the surroundings with his hand, the virus will get attached. When another person touches it, the virus attaches to the hand, and when it touches the mouth or nose with that hand, it becomes infected through the mucous membrane. About cases where a family member is suspected of COVID-19 infection  ・Please refrain from going out.  ・Family members and those living together should also observe their health, such as measuring the heat, avoid unnecessary and urgent outings, and do not go to work, especially when you have symptoms such as coughing or fever. Eight points that you should be aware of at home  1.Let's divide the rooms.  2.Please take care of the infected person as limited as possible  3.Let's put on a mask  4.Let's wash your hands frequently.  5.Let's ventilate  6.Let's disinfect the common part that you touch with your hands  7.Let's wash the dirty linen and clothes.  8.Let's seal and throw away the garbage.  ※For more information, please refer to the following link.   What you should be aware of at home. pdf [951KB pdf file]  Related information  ・About COVID-19 infection (Aomori Prefecture HP)   Health and Hygiene Division https://www.pref.aomori.lg.jp/soshiki/kenko/hoken/covid19.html   Others    www.pref.aomori.lg.jp/koho/coronavirus_index.html  ・About COVID-19 infection (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare HP)   https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000164708_00001.html  ・Countermeasures against COVID-19 infection (Prime Minister's Office HP)   https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/headline/kansensho/coronavirus.html Keywords related to this content Welfare Information Dissemination Department on this page Rokkasho Village Health Consultation Center Address: 986-4, Nozuki, Obuchi, Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori Phone number: 0175-72-2794 FAX: 0175-72-2795 For inquiries by e-mail, please contact us.   Search by this organization:  Health Consultation Center Published: May 15, 2020 /  Updated: February 21, 2022 Printing Return At the beginning of the page --> Site Navigation All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2024 Rokkasho Village Official Website Site map Search by organisation Rokkasho village office 〒039-3212 Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori 475, Nozuki, Obuchi TEL: 0175-72-2111 (Representative) FAX: 0175-72-2603 Site map Search by organisation ©︎Rokkasho Village.

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