プレイオジョの初回入金ボーナスの受け取り方【当サイト限定 ...



出典: 標準

 メニュー ニュースニュースニュースリストお知らせPolicies海外同窓会海外同窓会ベトナム同窓会韓国同窓会インドネシア同窓会華英会中国同窓会台湾同窓会タイ同窓会モンゴル同窓会会員専用 --> 日本語 ENGLISH --> ログイン 新規登録 ※ブラウザでJavascript の設定がオフになっています。設定を変更してください 東北大学海外同窓会ネットワーク ニュースお知らせPolicies海外同窓会会員専用 Policies TOP  >  Policies Tohoku University Alumni Network Terms of Service   (Outline of Purpose) I. The Tohoku University Alumni Network Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the “terms”) are hereby defined to promote the smooth operation of the Tohoku University Alumni Network (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) managed by Tohoku University (hereinafter referred to as the “University”). (2) The purpose of this site is to strengthen mutual cooperation between the university, persons at the University, graduates, former faculty and staff, and alumni organizations. (Definitions) II. Within these terms, the meaning of the following expressions are specified below: (1) Graduates: Refers to graduates and those who completed courses at the university (including those who withdrew before being awarded a degree). (2) Former faculty and staff: Those who have been employed by the university as faculty and staff. (3) Alumni organization: An organization voluntarily organized by alumni associations or by graduates, as stipulated in Chapter 3 of the Regulations of Tohoku University Shuyukai Alumni Association. (4) Member: A person who is registered as a member for the purpose of using this site. (Eligibility) III. Use of this site is made available to graduates of the university, former faculty and staff, and other persons approved by the University. Those who wish to use this site must apply to register as a member. Membership is granted subject to approval by the University. (Compliance with the content of these terms) IV. Members shall comply with the entire content of these terms when using this site. (2) The rules and regulations regarding the use of this site, which the University will inform members of as necessary, shall form part of this agreement. (Responsibilities of Members) V. The use of this site is at members’ own risk, and members are responsible for all actions taken when using this site and for the results of their actions. (2) The University shall not be responsible for any communication or activity between members conducted through this site. (3) Members shall take appropriate measures regarding the storage and handling of their ID and password for this site, and must not allow any third party the use of their ID or password; members must also refrain from transferring or lending their ID or password to any third party. The University shall not be liable for any losses or damages caused as a result of the misuse of a member’s ID or password by a third party. (4) Members shall endeavor to accurately register, confirm and update information by themselves, and it shall be the responsibility of members who view information to judge its reliability and how it may be used. Members shall be responsible for their own actions when using this site. If the registration of inaccurate information constitutes a violation of laws or regulations, or an infringement of rights, it is the responsibility of the relevant member to resolve the issue at their own expense. (5) If a member defames another party, infringes upon rights to privacy, discloses a third party’s personal information without permission, or acts in violation of the Copyright Act (Act No. 48 of 1970), or infringes in any other way upon the rights of others, it is the responsibility of the relevant member to resolve the issue at their own expense. (6) Members shall recognize that the University has no obligation to store information posted on this site, and that they should back up any information posted as necessary. (Prohibited Acts) VI. Members are prohibited from the following acts when using this site: ・ Acts that violate laws and regulations, and acts that solicit or encourage such violations ・ Acts contrary to public order, morals, and common sense ・ Acts that discriminate against other members, third parties, or the University ・ Acts that place a burden on the server or that interfere with the access or use of this site by other members ・ Acts that interfere with the operation of this site or the network system ・ Acts that infringe upon, or that may infringe upon, intellectual property rights such as honor, reputation, privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or other rights ・ Acts such as claiming to be a person other than yourself, of claiming to represent an organization such as a company without the right to do so, or of falsely claiming to be affiliated with or cooperating with another person or organization (including cases based on negligence) ・ Acts such as the collecting and accumulating of other members’ personal information ・ Acts such as the duplicating, uploading, posting, transmitting, distributing, etc. of information related to the services provided by this site without permission. ・ Acts such as the use of the same account by multiple people, or of permitting individuals who are not members to use an account ・ Acts such as the falsifying or erasing of information that may be used in the operation of this site ・ Acts such as the use of, or provision of, harmful programs such as computer viruses or supply of same ・ Other acts that the University deems inappropriate (2) If it is confirmed that any act specified in the preceding paragraph has occurred, the University may take appropriate measures including the modification or deletion of members’ information or the cancellation of members’ registration, without notifying the applicable members in advance. (3) No questions or complaints regarding measures to deal with violations of the rules will be entertained. (Changes to the Terms of Service) VII. The University may change these terms without obtaining the consent of members in the following cases: (a) When changes to these terms are in the general interest of members. (b) When changes to these terms do not contravene the purposes stated in Paragraphs I (2) or the purposes of using this site, and are deemed proper with respect to the necessity of managing and operating this site and with respect to other circumstances related to the changes. (2) In the event of changes being made to these terms in accordance with the preceding paragraph, a notice shall be posted on this site or emailed to members within a reasonable period of time before the effective date of the change, stating that the terms are to be changed, the content of the terms after the change, and the date on which the changes shall become effective. (Protection of Personal Information) VIII. The University will strive to suitably protect the personal information of members registered on this site and to comply with the “Privacy Policy” posted on this site in accordance with the Tohoku University Regulations on Protection of Personal Information. (2) The University shall not disclose personal information obtained through the provision of services on this site to third parties except in the following cases: (a) When there is a legal inquiry from a court, the police, a government agency, or an equivalent body (b) When a member is deemed to have committed an offence, such as carrying out unauthorized access or making threats (c) When collecting and analyzing personal information in such a way that individuals cannot be identified (d) When the University determines that there exists a problem with respect to societal norms that violates either the law or this agreement (e) When the University determines that such actions are necessary to protect the rights or interests of the University, other members, or other third parties. (f) When the disclosure or provision of such information is required based on other laws, etc. (Permission to use the published information, etc.) IX. After proofreading and making necessary corrections to any information posted following contributions by members, etc., the University may, without prior notice, use the information for non-commercial purposes, such as for the convenience of members, to promote this site, or to promote the University’s initiatives to parties both on and off campus. (2) Members shall grant the University the copyright and moral rights related to the information posted, and will do so for no charge. (Additions or Changes to Services) X. The University may add or make changes to services provided by this site to members without prior notice at its own convenience. (Suspension and Termination of Services) XI. The University may temporarily suspend or terminate some or all of the services provided by this site at any time and for any reason. 2. If the University decides to terminate all of the services provided by this site, members will be notified within a reasonable period of time. 3. The University shall be exempt from compensation or indemnification for any damages, losses, or other costs incurred by members due to the suspension or termination of services on this site. (Withdrawal) XII. Members who wish to apply to withdraw their membership shall do so using the University’s prescribed procedure, and will be able to do so when the procedure has been completed. (Disclaimer) XIII. With respect to the following matters, it is the members, and not the University, who shall be deemed responsible: (1) When a member causes damages to another member or a third party as a result of using this site (2) When damages or losses are suffered by members as a result of using this site (3) Any guarantee of reliability, usefulness, accuracy, or completeness of information obtained by members from this site (4) Connection costs incurred through the use of services provided by telecommunications carriers or telephone companies in using this site (5) Any guarantee that devices, software, etc. used by members to use this site will be operable (6) When damages or losses are caused by an inability to use this site (Legal procedures) XIV. These terms will be governed under Japanese law. In addition, the Sendai District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance for disputes arising between the University and members in connection with this site or these terms. Supplementary provisions These terms of use will come into effect on February 22, 2021.   Tohoku University Alumni Network Privacy Policy   Personal Information Protection Policy (Privacy Policy) With regard to the management of personal information registered by members of the Tohoku University Alumni Network (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) in the course of their using this site, Tohoku University (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. (Act No. 59 of 2003), other laws and regulations, and the University’s Regulations on Protection of Personal Information, etc., and will handle such information with the utmost care. Collection of Personal Information This site collects the following information: (1) This site will automatically collect information such as Internet domain names, IP addresses, and other information related to the browsing of the site. In addition, COOKIEs are used to automatically collect information related to the browsing of the site. However, COOKIEs are not used to collect any information that can identify individual users. In addition, users may disable COOKIEs by changing the relevant settings on their browser. (2) When using this site, members are asked to register their name, current affiliation, e-mail address, date of birth, current place of residence, affiliation when they attended the University, etc.Personal Information Personal information refers to information registered by members who use this site such as names, affiliations, e-mail addresses, dates of birth, and current places of residence that can be used to identify a specific individual member (including information that can be cross-checked with other information to identify a specific individual). Proper Management of Information In operating this site, the University will establish a system to protect and manage personal information, and will comply with rules and regulations regarding the appropriate collection, use and provision of said information. Purpose of Acquiring and Use of Personal Information Aside from exceptional cases as stipulated by the law, the University will, after clearly indicating the purposes of using personal information and a contact point for enquiries, etc., acquire personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve said purposes, in accordance with members’ wishes. The personal information obtained will be used for the following purposes: (1) To disseminate information from the University to members (2) To provide this site’s services to members (3) To help improve this site and develop new services (4) To request the cooperation of members with various projects being carried out by the University that are considered to have the potential of contributing to the development of education and research at the University. (5) For other activities related to the management and operation of the University (the carrying out of surveys, analyses, the planning of operations, etc.) (6) To promote mutual cooperation between the University, persons at the University, and members of the site (7) To share with the Tohoku University Shuyukai Alumni Association (hereinafter referred to as “Shuyukai”) details of the members to facilitate mutual cooperation between the University and Shuyukai Provision of Information to Third Parties The University will strive to properly manage personal information obtained from members and will not provide any such information to third parties without the consent of the user, except in the following cases: (1) When there is a legal inquiry from a court, the police, a government agency, or an equivalent body (2) When a user is deemed to have committed an offence, such as carrying out unauthorized access or making threats (3) When collecting and analyzing personal information in such a way that individuals cannot be identified (4) When the University determines that there exists a problem with respect to societal norms that violates either the law or this policy (5) When the University determines that such actions are necessary to protect the rights or interests of the University, other members, or other third parties. (6) When the disclosure or provision of such information is required based on other laws, etc. Disclosure/Rectification/Deletion of Personal Information If the University receives a request from a member to disclose, rectify, or delete their personal information which has been obtained and is being stored by the University, the University will respond within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent, once the identity of the person making the request has been confirmed. Security Measures in Respect of Personal Information The University will take reasonable preventive and remedial measures against potential risks regarding the storage of personal information (including the unauthorized accessing, loss, destruction, falsification, and leaking of personal information) to ensure the safe-keeping and accuracy of personal information. Continuous Improvements in the Protection of Personal Information The University will thoroughly inform the staff involved in the operation of the site of the University’s Regulations on Protection of Personal Information, and will constantly strive to improve its efforts in regard to the Protection of Personal Information. Compliance with Laws and Regulations Regarding Personal Information The University will always keep up to date with laws and regulations regarding personal information and will fully comply with them. About Revisions to the Personal Information Protection Policy The University will revise the site’s Personal Information Protection Policy from time to time as necessary. Notifications regarding revisions to the content on this site will be posted thereon. ▲ &#26481;&#21271;&#22823;&#23398;&#12288;&#28023;&#22806;&#21516;&#31379;&#29983; [ ヘルプ  | Copyright ] ログイン 新規登録 mb pusher-->

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