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Japanese HOME RESEARCH MEMBER NEWS ARCHIVES ACCESS LINK EVENT BLOG  In lifecycle management of next-generation transportation systems and energy plants, evaluation of degradation and damage of structural materials induced by flow is one of key issues.  Our laboratory is conducting research on sensing and monitoring that increase reliability and safety of these systems. Our activities include evaluation of degradation and damage in various materials by electromagnetic nondestructive testing methods, development of high temperature sensors, reliable sensing by sensor fusion, inverse approach, and so on.  We aim at applying these sensors and testing methods to online monitoring. Latest update:2024.4.18 Website manager:Yasunari KURE LATEST NEWS NDE Forum 2024 in Shimane 2024.3.30-31Mr. Matsumoto(B4) participated in NDE Forum 2024. JSNDI "安全・安心な社会を築く先進材料・非破壊計測技術シンポジウム" in Fukuoka 2024.3.28-29Mr. Matsumoto(B4) participated in JSNDI "先進材料・非破壊計測技術シンポジウム". Degree Conferment Ceremony 2024.3.26 -->We sent off the graduates. JSME "東北学生会第54回学生員卒業研究発表講演会" 2024.3.14Mr. Sasaki and Mr. Takigami(M2) participated in JSME "東北学生会第54回学生員卒業研究発表講演会". 20th ICFD2023 2023.11.6-8Mr. Sasaki, Mr. Sasada, Mr. Takigami(M2) participated in ICFD 2023. JSME "M&M材料力学カンファレンス" 2023.9.27-29Mr. Kure and Mr. Nakajima(M1) participated in JSME "M&M材料力学カンファレンス". Degree Conferment Ceremony 2023.9.25Mr. Hirose and Ms. Zhang(D3) participated in Degree Conferment Ceremony. JSCM "第48回複合材料シンポジウム" 2023.9.12-13Mr. Sasaki(M2) participated in "第48回複合材料シンポジウム". 19th Academic Conference of JSM 2023.8.28-29Mr. Sasada and Mr. Takigami(M2) participated in the 19th academic conference of JSM. Mr. Sasada has been awarded "優秀賞". Mr. Takigami has been awarded "独創賞". The Maintenance Science Summer School 2023 2023.8.7-11Mr. Kure and Mr. Nakajima(M1) participated in The Maintenance Science Summer School 2023 that held at the National Tsing Hua University. Open Campus 2023.7.26-27We took part in the open campus of Tohoku University. Click here for details. Degree Conferment Ceremony 2023.3.24We sent off the graduates. 19th ICFD2022 2022.11.9-11Mr. Kanai, Mr. Kimura, Mr. Tanaka, Mr. Matayoshi (M2) participated in ICFD 2022. JSNDI "2022年度秋季講演大会" 2022.10.25Mr. Kanai,Mr. Matayoshi(M2),Mr. Sasada(M1) participated in JSNDI "2022年度秋季講演大会". Mr. Sasada has been awarded "新進賞". Degree Conferment Ceremony 2022.9.29Mr. Lucas(D3) and Mr. Saharat(B4) participated in Degree Conferment Ceremony. JSME "M&M材料力学カンファレンスジウム" 2022.9.26-28Mr. Takigami(M1) participated in "機械学会 M&M材料力学カンファレンス". JSCM "第47回複合材料シンポジウム" in Fukuoka 2022.9.20-21Mr. Tanaka(M2) participated in "第47回複合材料シンポジウム". NDE Forum 2022 in Ehime 2022.9.2-4Mr. Sasaki,Mr. Sasada,Mr. Takigami(M1) participated in NDE Forum. Tour to Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant 2022.8.4We visited Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant. JSME SEAD34 2022.5.13Mr. Tanaka,Mr. Matayoshi(M2) participated in SEAD34. Degree Conferment Ceremony 2022.3.25We sent off the graduates. Mr.Sasada (B4) has been awarded "工学部長賞". Tour to Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant 2021.12.22We visited Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant with other laboratory. IRID Symposium 2021 Online 2021.12.8Mr. Zhou (D2) participated in IRID Symposium 2021 Online, and has been awarded "優秀賞". JSNDI "2021年度秋季講演大会" 2021.11.10-11Mr. Goto, Mr. Seto, Mr. Takeshita(M2) participated in JSNDI "2021年度秋季講演大会". Mr. Seto has been awarded "新進賞". "腐食防食学会 東北支部 講演会" 2021.11.5Ms. Miyauchi(M2) participated in "腐食防食学会 東北支部 講演会", and has been awarded "奨励賞". 18th ICFD2021 2021.10.27-29Mr. Lucas(D3), Mr. Zhou, Ms. Zhang (D2), Mr. Goto, Mr. Seto, Mr. Takeshita, Ms. Miyauchi (M2) participated in ICFD 2021. Mr. Lucas has been awarded "Best Presentation Award for Young Researcher". "腐食防食学会 2021年秋期 第68回材料と環境討論会" 2021.10.26-28Ms. Miyauchi(M2) participated in "腐食防食学会 2021年秋期 第68回材料と環境討論会". "保全学会第17回学術講演会" 2021.7.7-8Mr. Zhou (D2), Mr. Kanai, Mr. Kimura (M1) participated in "保全学会第17回学術講演会". Mr. Zhou has been awarded "プレゼン賞". Mr. Kanai and Mr. Kimura have been awarded "奨励賞". Previous news Mechanical Systems Evaluation Laboratory Lyon Center Institute of Fluid Science Tohoku Univeristy 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku Sendai 980-8577,JAPAN Email ifs-msel-contact (at) grp.tohoku.ac.jp Copyright © Uchimoto Laboratory. All rights reserved.

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