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In other words, the organizational behaviors that are discussed in this course is micro-organizational behavior focusing on the leaders’ behaviors and skills. This course is constructed on the presumption that each one of you aspires to be a leader and that leadership characteristics, styles and skills can be shaped. Thus, this course aims to assist you in, not only understanding leadership theories and analyzing leadership practices, but also to develop important leadership qualities. Based on leadership theories and current research on leadership, this course aims to provide an introductory understanding of leadership and organizational behavior theories, to assists students in exercising psychological-scientific ways of thinking in comprehending leadership practices and to facilitate students in understanding their behaviors and characteristics as leaders. *詳細は2021(令和3)年度シラバスをご参照ください。 2020-2021(令和2-令和3)年度特別招聘教授 趙成南(チョ・ソンナム) CHO Sung Nam グローバルリーダーシップ研究所 特別招聘教授 お茶の水女子大学グローバルリーダーシップ研究所特別招聘教授。韓国梨花女子大学校名誉教授、元リーダーシップ開発院長。専門分野はリーダーシップ研究、社会学、人口学、社会政策分析。お茶の水女子大学と梨花女子大学校の共同研究“Asian Women Leadership Model and Index Development”の中心メンバーであり、2021年度は本学においてリーダーシップ研究・教育を担当。 招聘期間 2021(令和3)年3月~2022(令和4)年3月 研究テーマ リーダーシップ研究・教育 担当科目(大学院) 【講義題目】 ・リーダーシップ国際演習I(2021(令和3)年度前期) International Seminar for Leadership I This course aims at enhancing a general understanding of the dynamic nature of leadership and gender. This course purposes to understand both theoretical analysis and practical knowledge on leadership by analyzing a variety of different subjects. In the era of globalization any single perspective cannot fully explain the background and the characteristic features of global agendas on leadership and gender. Based on lectures by the instructor and guest speakers, and team-project, students will understand multilateral aspects of the current global issues on leadership and gender and they will learn how to analyze and solve those issues.    ・リーダーシップ国際演習II(2021(令和3)年度後期) International Seminar for Leadership II Why is the development of women’s leadership becoming more critical for the future society? Why should women leaders’ role and qualities be attended to and emphasized? By addressing these questions, this course aims at introducing a new leadership paradigm that adequately fits to the changing new global environment in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. This course aims to identify a novel leadership model for the new era, as most of the pre-existing leadership models were primarily based on the Western and male-dominant perspective. With the awareness that pre-existing leadership models cannot adequately address the directions for the women leaders of the global society in the future, this course offers to widen its perspective through the understanding of Asian women and Asian women leadership, in particular. It also evokes a fruitful discussion on cultural and historical Asian values of women leadership, and finally expand the effective agendas for women leadership in the Asian region. Within each of the broad topics considered in the course, we seek to achieve three central objectives: (1) examine some of the most salient features of existing leadership models; (2) explore the differences and similarities between male and female leadership from the comparative perspective; and (3) discuss some of the key problems that existing leadership models face, and research agendas posed by these problems.   *詳細は2021(令和3)年度シラバスをご参照ください。 2016-2018(平成28-平成30)年度特別招聘教授 カレン・シャイア Karen SHIRE グローバルリーダーシップ研究所 特別招聘教授 ドイツ デュースブルク・エッセン大学教授。専門は比較社会学と日本学。2016(平成28)年10月1日より2年間、グローバルリーダーシップ研究所に特別招聘教授として在籍し、本学においてリーダーシップ研究・教育を担当する。米国出身。ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校博士(社会学)。1990年代には約10年間国際基督教大学(ICU)に准教授として勤め、その後はドイツの大学で教鞭をとっている。雇用におけるジェンダー不平等についての日独の国際比較や東アジアとヨーロッパの地域比較を行うなど、国際的な研究・教育活動を行っている。 参照:新しいウインドウが開きます) 招聘期間 2016(平成28)年10月~2018(平成30)年9月 研究テーマ 比較社会学と日本学 担当科目(大学院) 【講義題目】 ・男女共同参画国際演習I(2017-2018(平成29-平成30)年度) International Seminar for Gender Equality I Over the past two decades, research has shown that institutions like welfare, work, education and the family  affect the balance of participation of women and men in politics, the economy and society. In this class we will  aim to understand how institutions shape gender equality, and changes that are necessary to improve gender equality. We will go beyond the analysis of individual institutions, to understand welfare, work, education  and the family are connected in regimes of gender relations at a societal level, and how countries can be compared  in terms of how well they promote the participation of women, especially in leadership positions. Some of the factors  in both Asian and European countries, which have a negative effect on promoting women’s leadership are social policies,  which assume that women will be responsible for care of family members, corporate employment practices, which divide  career tracks for men and women, educational systems after high school, with vocational tracks for occupations,  which are female dominated versus academic tracks for occupations, which are male dominated, and the failure  to provide adequate infrastructures for child and eldercare, which ties women further to unpaid domestic and care  work rather than paid work in the labor market.  Schedule May 10: 1-6  Introduction and comparing welfare states May 11: 1-6 Labor Market, Employment and Company Personnel Management May 24: 1-6 Education May 25: 1-6 Family  June 29: 1-6 Student presentation &  Conclusion *詳細は2018(平成30)年度シラバスをご参照ください。   ・男女共同参画国際演習II(2016-2017(平成28-平成29)年度) International Seminar for Gender Equality II *2016(平成28)年度のシラバスについてはこちらをご覧ください。 Tweet   HOME 研究所紹介 使命と理念 研究所メンバー 特別招聘教授プロジェクト 特別研究員制度 連携・協定事業 研究プロジェクト 報道 情報セキュリティポリシー 電力使用状況 教職員メニュー このサイトについて ソーシャルメディアポリシー 個人情報について プライバシーポリシー アクセスマップ サイトマップ お問い合わせ 国立大学法人お茶の水女子大学 〒112-8610 東京都文京区大塚2-1-1 責任者:グローバルリーダーシップ研究所長 E-mail:&#105;&#110;&#102;&#111;&#45;&#108;&#101;&#97;&#100;&#101;&#114;&#64;&#99;&#99;&#46;&#111;&#99;&#104;&#97;&#46;&#97;&#99;&#46;&#106;&#112; PC表示 スマホ表示 Copyright © OCHANOMIZU UNIVERSITY. 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